What do you do here at Wright Lab?
I assist the Wright Lab director in coordinating programs (including seminars, trainings, outreach, and other events, as well as collaborations and partnerships). I also coordinate internal and external communication about Wright Lab, including E-mails, the website, flyers, brochures, etc.
What is your favorite event you’ve coordinated?
I have enjoyed all of them, but, being a person who very much enjoys the connection between the humanities and science, I particularly enjoyed the Visualize Science competition, where our researchers spent half a day collaborating with artists and working with a bunch of materials to create amazing visual representations of the elusive neutrino. We hope to offer this again, with more artists, on a quantum theme for Quantum Week next Fall.
What is something that people might not know about you that you’d like to share with the community?
Well, I think people know this now, but I used to be a semi-professional opera singer, and I founded and ran a community opera company in New Haven called Hillhouse Opera Company for several years. Also, my favorite website ever is http://www.thebestdinosaur.com/.
Where do you like to work remotely?
I go where my kids are and have a space in every room of the house (and outside!). Below are three places I’ve been recently.