What do you do here at Wright Lab?
I am a graduate student in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Group, working on the ALICE experiment. My research focuses on using jets to understand the properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma.
What is the most unique and/or exciting experience you’ve had here at Wright Lab?
About a year ago, one of our group members mentioned that he had to buy a suit for a wedding, but he wasn’t sure if he would have the opportunity to wear it again. In response, our group decided to have “Fancy Formal Friday.” We all wore evening-wear to work that day, and then did a photoshoot in front of the portal outside!
What is something that people might not know about you that you’d like to share with the community?
I played rugby for four years when I was in college, and my senior year I was team captain!
How have you adapted to remote work?
When our group began working remotely, one concern we had was that if someone were to suffer some kind of health emergency, it might go unnoticed and nobody would know to call for help (particularly in the case of people who live alone). To help mitigate this possibility, our group instituted regular “safety checks”. In the beginning, safety checks consisted of posing my seal-pillow, Gregor, around the apartment, and sending the photos to the group Slack. By reacting to the photo, everyone was able to assure the group of their safety for the day. This has evolved into a sort of pastime of mine, and now I spend more time than I care to admit photoshopping Gregor into famous photos of art (it’s all in the name of safety!).
Where do you like to work remotely?
I’m currently based in Warren, Vermont. I don’t have one set work station because I like to move around, but my favorite spot is to sit outside when the weather is nice.