3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

Who’s Who at the Lab-Berndt Mueller

Berndt Mueller
Visiting Professor

What do you do here at Wright Lab? 

I am spending a sabbatical semester in the Wright Lab with the Relativistic Heavy Ion Group. After eight years of science management, followed by one year of intense teaching at Duke, I am exuberantly enjoying spending all my time on research and learning new things. I have also begun to write a review of the salient scientific achievements in my field in collaboration with John Harris. I visited Wright Lab before for a semester as a young postdoc in 1974 and find it wonderfully transformed by a renovation and scientifically even more vibrant than it was then.

What is the most unique and/or exciting experience you’ve had here at Wright Lab? 

I have started with a second-year Yale graduate student, Joseph Lap, on an exciting new research project, which I would not even have dreamed about six months ago. And I am awed by the depth of brilliant young scientists in the RHI Group here at Wright Lab.

What are you looking forward to in the coming year at Wright Lab?

Unfortunately, my time here will come to an end soon.  I will be in New Haven until the end of May.