3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

Wright Lab by the Numbers

FY22 (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022)


People in the Wright Lab community 190
Faculty total 21
Primary faculty 11
Emeritus faculty 4
Adjunct faculty 4
Visiting faculty 2
Research scientists 15
Postdocs & Fellows 16
Graduate students 64
Postgraduate Associates 4
Undergraduates 47
Administrative staff 6
Technical/Research support staff 15
Computing support 2
Graduate Alumni since 1965 243

Publications and News

Publications 353
Citations 1174
Awards and honors 22


Yale University Core Facilities 4
Square footage of lab space 24,893
Square footage of shop space 14,290
Square footage of office space 9,399
20 cranes that range from 1,000 lbs. to 10 ton capacity.
Clean rooms
3 permanent + 4 pop-up soft wall clean room tents in use
Investigator laboratories 11
Lathes 19
Mills 20
Band Saws 5
Welding 4 welders plus experienced welding staff; capabilities include: Multi process welding GTAW, GMAW , SMAW , oxyacetylene , soldering - brazing.
Research and Teaching Shop users 42
Shop courses taught 4:  CHEM 562L/PHYS 762,  CHEM 564L, DRAM 169a and DRAM 169b
3D-printers 3
Water jet cutter 1
Laser jet cutter 1


Terabytes of Data 332
On-site servers 7 in our server rooms; additional in PI labs
Critical sites on Amazon Spin-Up 6
High Performance Computing users 173

Program and Events

Events 103
Seminars 33
NPA 25
Dissertation defense 8
Collaboration meetings / workshops 8
Summer Programs 2
Undergraduate summer research symposium 1
Outreach events and tours 4
Arts programming events 1
EHS Orientation 11
Training Workshops 1
WL all hands meetings 24
Officially co-sponsored DEI events 2
Women in Physics + events 5
Kimball Smith series 2
Anniversary celebration 1

Arts and Media

Visualize Science contest 1
Flickr photos 5,976
Videos 57
Pieces of the accelerator installed at the lab as art 15
Pieces of art inspired by Wright Lab 7


Countries where we do research
9 on 6 continents
Opportunities Many!

Start of Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory

Re-opening of the transformed Yale Wright Laboratory 2017
Front door address 272