The Historic Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory (PDF)
1961 | D. Allan Bromley initiates design of the first MP (Emperor) tandem electrostatic accelerator. |
1962 | Yale submits a proposal for construction of Emperor accelerator to Atomic energy Commission: Construction contract signed with High Voltage Engineering, Dec. 27, 1962. |
1964-66 | A. W. Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory and the first MP tandem accelerator at Yale were constructed. Dedication October 5, 1966. |
1965-67 | Joint Study program involving Wright Laboratory at Yale and T.J. Watson Laboratory of IBM results in state-of-the-art data acquisition and control system at Wright Laboratory. |
1974 | The performance of MP tandem accelerator was upgraded through installation of new stainless steel acceleration tubes. |
1978 | A proposal for conversion of Yale MP tandem accelerator to STU status was submitted to Department of Energy. |
1982 | DOE approves MP-ESTU conversion on July, 1982. |
1985 | Research activity with MP tandem accelerator was terminated May 29, 1985 and conversion program was initiated. |
1987 | Terminal potential of 22.4 million volts was reached on July 4, 1987. Dedication of ESTU-1 accelerator facility, August 7, 1987. |
2011 | Operation of the ESTU tandem ends. |
2013 | Decommissioning of the ESTU and associated equipment begins. The Wright Lab’s new Director, Karsten Heeger, begins renovations of the facility as well as a new research program in nuclear, particle and astrophysics. |
2016 | The newly renovated Wright Lab opens for personnel. |
2017 | The Wright Lab’s public Opening Ceremony is held on May 16, 2017. |
Yale Wright Laboratory accelerator removal video (2015)
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Yale Wright Laboratory
Science Hill (Yale University)
Arthur Williams Wright
Tandem van de Graaff