3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

Postgraduate Researchers

Postgraduate Associate positions are short term training positions for recent college graduates who seek research experience prior to graduate school.  

If you would like to learn more, or to apply for a position please fill out our statement of interest form here.

Please also see the Summer and Postgraduate Research Opportunities flyer (PDF).

Past Postgraduate Associates at Wright Lab

Sanah Bhimani 
(L. Newburgh)
Sanah graduated from U.C. Berkeley in 2017. As a postgrad at Yale she worked on assembling and calibrating the thermometry for the Simons Observatory telescope receivers. She learned about cryogenic requirements, thermometry, readout noise, and continued to build on her experience in data analysis. Sanah
 is now a Ph.D. student in physics at Yale.

JP Dervan 
(B. Fleming)
JP graduated from Yale College in 2019.   In the Fleming Group, JP studied light collection in liquid argon for use in particle physics experiments studying neutrino oscillations.  JP is now a Ph.D. student in physics at Northeastern University.


Robert Howard (C. Baltay)
Robert graduated from Yale College in 2021. As a postgrad at Wright Lab working with Professor Baltay, he helped classify light curves of RR Lyrae variable stars in the galactic halo to better understand the structure and formation of the Milky Way. Robert is now applying to Ph.D. programs in astrophysics.

Andrew Kilby
 (D. Moore)
Andrew graduated from Yale College in 2018. As a postgrad at Wright Lab he worked on developing a microfludic system for providing micron scale modulating masses as part of the SIMPLE project. This project aims to search for new gravity-like forces that may appear at distances <100 microns. Andrew is now a Ph.D. student in physics at UCLA.

Claire Laffan 
(R. Maruyama)
Claire graduated from Yale with a B.S. in Intensive Physics in 2021. As an undergraduate researcher, she spent several years working with Sarah Demers on Fermilab’s Mu2e experiment and CERN’s ATLAS experiment. As a postgraduate researcher, she worked with Reina Maruyama and Steve Lamoreaux on the HAYSTAC experiment. Claire is now a Ph.D. student in physics at Yale.

Annie Polish 
(L. Newburgh)
Annie graduated from Yale with a B.S. in Applied Physics in 2021. She worked with the Newburgh Lab on drone-based radio telescope calibrations since 2019. As a postgraduate researcher, Annie continued to work on the drone platform, and contributed to the Newburgh Lab’s first flight over science-grade dishes in South Africa.  Annie is now a Ph.D. student in physics at Harvard.

Arina Bykadorova Telles
 (K. Heeger)
Arina graduated from Yale College in 2018. As a postgrad at Wright Lab she continued her research training with PROSPECT and the Project 8 experiment, as well as training on modern fabrication techniques and prototyping in the Advanced Prototyping Center at Wright Lab.  Arina is now a Ph.D. student in physics at Yale.

Field Rogers (R. Maruyama)
Field graduated from Yale College in 2015 and was a Postgraduate Associate in the Maruyama lab working on DM-Ice from 2015 - 2016.  Field is currently a Ph.D. student in physics at MIT, expecting to graduate in Spring of 2022.   In the Fall, Field will start a postdoc position at Space Sciences Lab at the University of California, Berkeley. 

Jack Roth
 (D. DeMille, S. Cahn)
Jack graduated from Yale College in 2019 and worked in the DeMille group on developing a novel molecular beam slowing technique through summer 2020.  Jack is a Ph.D. student in physics at the 
University of California, Berkeley.