3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.


Wright Lab hosts three regular seminars and three regular discussion groups:

Nuclear Particle Astrophysics Seminars (NPA) cover recent results and new developments in experimental nuclear, particle and astrophysics. NPA seminars are the main research talks at Wright Lab and draw a diverse audience interested in current topics in fundamental physics. NPA seminars are supported by the Flint Fund, Wright Laboratory, and Yale University. 

Early Career Scientist Seminar is a seminar held at Wright Lab, with talks generally given by Yale Physics graduate students and postdocs on a variety of topics. The seminar is open to all members of the Yale Physics community.  Talks are supported by the Wright Laboratory, the Yale Physics Department and Yale University.

Yale Physics Professional Development Organization (YPPDO) is focused on providing physical science PhDs and postdocs with information, contacts, and resources on a range of career opportunities, especially outside academia. YPPDO talks are supported by the Yale Physics Department and Wright Laboratory.

Instrumentation Lunch is a forum for discussions on topics related to instrumentation, quantum sensors, and experimental methods. Everyone interested in instrumentation and its related applications in experiments and beyond is welcome.  Instrumentation lunches are supported by the Wright Laboratory and Yale University. 

Dark Matter Discussion Group (DMDG)  enables researchers at Yale working on various aspects of dark matter in diverse departments to interact, converse, learn from each other and forge potential collaborations.  DMDG is sponsored by Wright Laboratory, the Yale Department of Astronomy, and the Yale Physics Department.

The Elusives Journal Club: Members in the departments of physics and astronomy who work on dark matter and neutrino-related fields are invited to get together to discuss papers related to their field. Topics include: neutrinos, dark matter, BSM physics, fundamental symmetries, precision physics and more.

Calendar of upcoming and archived seminars.

Wright Lab Indico (includes links to archived talk slides and recordings)

List of seminar organizing committee members