Experiment Advisory Committee (EAC): The charge of this committee is to help research groups develop an experimental plan for their work in the shared facilities at Wright Lab, assess any concerns that may arise from a new project, and provide guidance towards best practices. The committee will also assist with the lab-wide coordination of space in the shared facilities, keep an up-to-date plan of lab usage, and help coordinate ongoing and planned experimental work. If requested, the committee may also assist in reviewing plans for experiments in individual PI labs.
Members: Jeff Ashenfelter, Sid Cahn and Steve Lamoreaux
Wright Lab Faculty Committee:
Members: Keith Baker, Charles Baltay, Helen Caines, Laura Havener, Jack Harris, John Harris, Karsten Heeger, Steve Lamoreaux, Reina Maruyama, David Moore, Laura Newburgh, David Rabinowitz, Paul Tipton
Wright Lab Shop Committee: This committee is asked to advise the Wright Lab Director and the Office of the Provost on issues related to the machine shops and shared technical areas in Wright Lab.
Members: Jeff Ashenfelter, Vincent Bernardo, Sid Cahn, Lisa D’Angelo, Karsten Heeger, David Johnson, Francisco Lopez, Craig Miller, Kurt Zilm
Seminar Committees: Wright Lab hosts three regular seminars and three regular discussion groups. The coordinators for each for Spring 2025 are listed below.
- NPA: Tyler Johnson, Zoltán Varga
- ECS: Iris Ponce, Yu-Han Tseng
- YPPDO: Fernando Flor, Tony Liu, Xiaowei Ou, Molly Watts
- DMDG: Reina Maruyama, Priyamvada Natarajan
- The Elusives Journal Club: Eleanor Graham, Jiaxiang Wang
- Instrumentation Lunch: Karsten Heeger