2024 Summer Student Research Symposium
Please join us to hear what our student researchers have been doing this summer.
Thursday, July 25
11:00 a.m. Éle Donegan (Laura Newburgh), “Upgrading the Receiver System and Amplifiers of the Drone and Transmitter System” | Recording
11:15 a.m. Andrew Tejada-Vega (Laura Newburgh), “Lasers and Drones” | Recording
Friday, July 26:
9:00 a.m. Welcome
9:15 a.m. Elisa Kim (Helen Caines), “Image Analysis and Segmentation with Scintillating Tiles of the LFHCal” | Recording
9:30 a.m. Lily Shukla (Prakhar Garg), “Automation of Tile Scanning and Silicon Photomultiplier Characterization Set-Up” | Recording
9:45 a.m. Katie Driscoll (Prakhar Garg), “Design and Assembly of a Faraday Dark Box for the Characterization of Scintillating Tiles” | Recording
10:00 a.m. Austin Rosypal (Helen Caines), “Investigating the Path-Length Dependence of Jet Energy Loss in the Quark-Gluon Plasma” | Recording
10:15 a.m. Daniel Zhang (Laura Havener), “Implementation of a testing station to characterize photosensors for the proximity focusing Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (pfRICH) for the Electron-Proton/Ion Collider (ePIC) Collaboration” | Recording
10:30 a.m. Iris Henry (Ian Moult), “Using Energy-Energy Correlators to Explore QCD Strings” | Recording
10:45 a.m. Max Colomer & Silvia Wang (Paul Tipton), “Testing Procedures for ATLAS ITk Stave Cores” | Recording
11:15 a.m. Michael Mann (Benjamin Brock), “Modeling Measurement and Errors on GKP States” | Recording
11:30 a.m. Xavier Gilbert (Nishaad Khedkar),”Creating an Interface for Quantum Measurements” | Recording
11:45 a.m. Daequan Peele (Qile Su), “Twirling Coherent Errors via Non-ideal Teleportation” | Recording
12:00 p.m. Karl Bilston (Steven Girvin, Daniel Weiss), “Quantum Circuits” | Recording
12:15 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Reagen Garcia (Karsten Heeger), “Muon Veto Panel Uniformity Tests for CUORE and CUPID” | Recording
1:15 p.m. Aaron Chizhik (Karsten Heeger), “Light Detector R&D for CUORE/CUPID” | Recording
1:30 p.m. Kelly Dai (Reina Maruyama), “ALPHA-DAQ: Data Acquisition System for the Axion Longitudinal Plasma HAloscope” | Recording
1:45 p.m. Andrew Kim (Steve Lamoreaux), “Inductance of a Single Loop of Wire using Laplace EQ & Numerical Methods“ | Recording
2:00 p.m. Ronald Thorpe (David Moore), “Outgassing of Electronegative Impurities within Materials Used in the nEXO Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Detector” | Recording
2:15 p.m. End