3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

2024 Wright Lab Summer Research Symposium

2024 Summer Student Research Symposium

Please join us to hear what our student researchers have been doing this summer.

Thursday, July 25

11:00 a.m. Éle Donegan (Laura Newburgh), “Upgrading the Receiver System and Amplifiers of the Drone and Transmitter System” | Recording

11:15 a.m. Andrew Tejada-Vega (Laura Newburgh), “Lasers and Drones” | Recording

Friday, July 26:

9:00 a.m. Welcome

9:15 a.m. Elisa Kim (Helen Caines), “Image Analysis and Segmentation with Scintillating Tiles of the LFHCal” | Recording

9:30 a.m. Lily Shukla (Prakhar Garg), “Automation of Tile Scanning and Silicon Photomultiplier Characterization Set-Up” | Recording

9:45 a.m. Katie Driscoll (Prakhar Garg), “Design and Assembly of a Faraday Dark Box for the Characterization of Scintillating Tiles” | Recording

10:00 a.m. Austin Rosypal (Helen Caines), “Investigating the Path-Length Dependence of Jet Energy Loss in the Quark-Gluon Plasma” | Recording

10:15 a.m. Daniel Zhang (Laura Havener), “Implementation of a testing station to characterize photosensors for the proximity focusing Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (pfRICH) for the Electron-Proton/Ion Collider (ePIC) Collaboration” | Recording

10:30 a.m. Iris Henry (Ian Moult), “Using Energy-Energy Correlators to Explore QCD Strings” | Recording

10:45 a.m. Max Colomer & Silvia Wang (Paul Tipton), “Testing Procedures for ATLAS ITk Stave Cores” | Recording

11:15 a.m. Michael Mann (Benjamin Brock), “Modeling Measurement and Errors on GKP States” | Recording

11:30 a.m. Xavier Gilbert (Nishaad Khedkar),”Creating an Interface for Quantum Measurements” | Recording

11:45 a.m. Daequan Peele (Qile Su), “Twirling Coherent Errors via Non-ideal Teleportation” | Recording

12:00 p.m. Karl Bilston (Steven Girvin, Daniel Weiss), “Quantum Circuits” | Recording

12:15 p.m. Lunch

1:00 p.m. Reagen Garcia (Karsten Heeger), “Muon Veto Panel Uniformity Tests for CUORE and CUPID” | Recording

1:15 p.m. Aaron Chizhik (Karsten Heeger), “Light Detector R&D for CUORE/CUPID” | Recording

1:30 p.m. Kelly Dai (Reina Maruyama), “ALPHA-DAQ: Data Acquisition System for the Axion Longitudinal Plasma HAloscope” | Recording

1:45 p.m. Andrew Kim (Steve Lamoreaux), “Inductance of a Single Loop of Wire using Laplace EQ & Numerical Methods“ | Recording

2:00 p.m. Ronald Thorpe (David Moore), “Outgassing of Electronegative Impurities within Materials Used in the nEXO Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Detector” | Recording

2:15 p.m. End