June 17-30, 2018
Wright Laboratory at Yale University, New Haven, CT
Join us to learn about recent developments and future directions in nuclear science through lectures, seminars and tutorials, as well as a poster session and a tour of the Brookhaven National Laboratory Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. Extracurricular activities include a trip to Hammonasset Beach, as well as the opportunity to explore Yale’s campus and museums. Participants will reside in one of Yale’s residential colleges.
Topics for the 2018 school include:
- Hadron Structure
- Heavy Ion Physics
- Nuclear Structure
- Nuclear Astrophysics
- Neutrinos
- Neutrons and Fundamental Symmetries
Please note that NNPSS 2018 is completed. Please see the INT’s NNPSS website, which will post information about next year’s school when it becomes available.
Location, Travel and Accommodations
Participant Handbook
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Us
Local Organizing Committee: Yoram Alhassid, Helen Caines, John Harris, Karsten Heeger, Francesco Iachello, Reina Maruyama, David Moore
We gratefully acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation, the Institute for Nuclear Theory, Yale University, and Yale Wright Laboratory.