3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

Visualize Science 2024

Event time: 
Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 9:00am to 12:30pm
Center for Collaborative Arts and Media YORK149 See map
149 York St
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

Pre-register at https://forms.gle/GmzCEAyQoAcGmRkA9 so we can plan teams in advance; walk-ins also welcome

More info and agenda are at https://wlab.yale.edu/visualize

Artists and scientists with a Yale affiliation are invited to participate in the third annual competition for teams of artists and scientists to collaborate and create a conceptual model of a scientific concept (to be revealed at the start of the competition) and realize it in either two- or three-dimensional format using materials provided for the competition.

Two awards will be given: a “Judge’s Award” and a “People’s Award”. The goal of the Visualize Science competition is to develop conceptual models of concepts in the physical sciences and to increase understanding of those concepts.

Entrants will be up to 48 participants from the Yale community, with a preference for those with backgrounds in physics and studio art. They will be divided into a maximum of 6 teams of up to 8 students each, composed of mixed art/physics disciplines.

The contest aligns with the goals of the report of the University Science Strategy Committee, especially by providing interdisciplinary connections between art and science at Yale, improving research communication, facilitating imaging and image analysis, modelling data, and increasing the understanding and analysis of physical systems.