
Wright Lab All Hands Meeting

We invite all members of our community to gather together weekly on Mondays via Zoom to check in with each other and hear what is going on around our community. Today’s program includes updates on recent projects from the APC (Arina Telles) and an update on the planning for the new Physical Sciences Building (PSEB) (Karsten Heeger).

NPA Zoom Seminar, Stefania Amodeo, Cornell University, "Halo gas thermodynamics from the CMB: results from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope DR5"

The thermodynamic properties of the ionized baryons in galaxies, groups, and clusters encode the effects of the assembly history and feedback processes that shape galaxy and cluster formation. These properties can be studied through the imprints that the scattering of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons off the free-electron gas in galaxies and clusters leave on high resolution CMB maps: the thermal and kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effects.

Wright Lab All Hands Meeting, Karsten Heeger, "Planning for DEI action"

Members of the Wright Lab community are invited to join to discuss and provide input to the department’s DEI action plan at the all-hands meeting time of 9:30 on Monday, October 12. The action plan has been developed by the Physics DEIAP writing group and the department’s APS-IDEA team, together with the CDC and the department community.

Kuheli Dutt Seminar: “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Addressing Systemic Racism in STEM”

STEM fields tend to lack diversity, with minorities (women, people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals) facing challenges and typically leaving these fields at higher rates than majority groups. In the geosciences, racial diversity has not increased in the past forty years. The less diverse a field, the greater the reliance on stereotypes and implicit biases, which in turn disproportionately impacts marginalized groups.

NPA Zoom Seminar, Magdalena Djordjevic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, "Exploring QGP properties of through rare high-pt light and heavy flavor probes"

High-pt theory and data are traditionally used to explore high-pt parton interactions with QGP, while QGP bulk properties are explored through low-pt data and corresponding models. However, with a proper description of high-pt parton-medium interactions, rare high-pt light and heavy flavor can also be a powerful tool for inferring bulk QGP properties, as they are sensitive to global QGP parameters.

Wright Lab Computing Workshop: Preparing a personal website with GitHub pages

Led by Tom Langford, YCRC and Wright Lab
We will go through creating personal/academic and project-based websites. This is a great way to showcase your research portfolio when applying for postdocs or external positions. 
This will be a hands-on session, so please:
Create a free GitHub account (
Bring some content that you would like to put on your website

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