3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

December 2020 News

December 18, 2020
by Charles Baltay and Steven Girvin Robert Kemp Adair, the Sterling professor Emeritus of physics at Yale University, passed away on September 28, 2020 in Hamden, Connecticut...
8 headshots
December 11, 2020
The following Wright Lab graduate students won endowed awards from Yale University for 2020: George DeForest Lord Scholarship: Caitie Beattie Nada Ledinko Fellowship: Hannah...
Scientific equipment with people in hard hats and vests standing by it.
December 11, 2020
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment collaboration – which made a precise measurement of an important neutrino property eight years ago, setting the stage for a new round...
resaearchers working on experiment
December 4, 2020
December 4, 2020 is the 90th anniversary of the neutrino, a mysterious, ghostly particle that passes through most matter in the universe without being affected.    The...