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NPA Zoom Seminar, Magdalena Djordjevic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, “Exploring QGP properties of through rare high-pt light and heavy flavor probes”

Event time: 
Thursday, November 5, 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Online See map
Madgdalena Djordjevic, Institute of Physics Belgrade

Event description: 

High-pt theory and data are traditionally used to explore high-pt parton interactions with QGP, while QGP bulk properties are explored through low-pt data and corresponding models. However, with a proper description of high-pt parton-medium interactions, rare high-pt light and heavy flavor can also be a powerful tool for inferring bulk QGP properties, as they are sensitive to global QGP parameters.
To achieve a multipurpose QGP tomography tool, we developed the dynamical energy loss formalism, which has several unique features in the description of high-pt parton medium interactions: i) Finite-size, finite-temperature QCD medium consisting of dynamical (that is moving) partons, contrary to the widely used static scattering approximation and/or medium models with vacuum-like propagators. ii) Finite temperature generalized Hard-Thermal-Loop approach, in which the infrared divergences are naturally regulated. iii) Both radiative and collisional energy losses that are calculated under the same theoretical framework and applicable to both light and heavy flavor. iv) Generalization to the case of finite magnetic mass and running coupling. We recently incorporated this complex energy loss model into a fully optimized computational framework DREENA (Dynamical Radiative and Elastic ENergy loss Approach). The framework is fully modular (i.e., can include any temperature profile) and allows systematic comparison of experimental data and theoretical predictions for both light and heavy flavor.
As the first steps towards QGP tomography, we will use the DREENA framework to address how we can directly from experimental data i) differentiate between different energy loss mechanisms, ii) infer the thermalization time of QGP droplet. Through this, we will demonstrate how a joint study of high-pt light and heavy flavor can be used to infer both the nature of high pt-parton medium interactions and important bulk QGP medium properties.

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