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Yale Postdoctoral Trainees

WIDG Seminar: Jiaxiang Wang, Yale, "Progress on Probing Non-Newtonian Gravity using Levitated Microspheres"

Optomechanical systems can provide new methods to probe short-range dynamics due to their high precision and control. Previous work with these techniques has searched for millicharged particles and recoils from composite dark matter using levitated nanogram mass sensors, offering new results complementary to the large-scale experiments. In my talk I will present our progress on searching for non-Newtonian gravity-like interactions, including a possible Yukawa-like deviation from Newton’s law at micron distance.

NPA Zoom Seminar, Liliana Apolinario, LIP, Lisbon, "Novel Jet Reclustering Tools for Heavy-Ion Collisions"

The physics program of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) has brought a unique insight into the hot and dense QCD matter created in such collisions, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Jet quenching, a collection of medium-induced modifications of the jets’ internal structure that occur through their development in dense QCD matter, has a unique potential to assess the time structure of the produced medium.

NPA Zoom Seminar, Sergei Gleyzer, University of Alabama and CERN, "Deep Learning for High-Energy Physics and Strong Gravitational Lensing Cosmology"

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is delivering the highest energy proton-proton collisions ever recorded in the laboratory, permitting a detailed exploration of elementary particle physics at the highest energy frontier. It is uniquely positioned to detect and measure the rare phenomena that can shape our knowledge of new interactions and possibly resolve the present tensions of the Standard Model.

NPA Zoom Seminar, Brian Lenardo, Stanford University, "Searching for New Physics with Liquid Xenon Time Projection Chambers"

The Standard Model of particle physics provides a remarkably predictive and well-tested theory for describing the interactions of the known elementary particles. However, the observed matter/antimatter asymmetry, the existence of small neutrino masses, and cosmological constraints on dark matter and dark energy point strongly to the existence of fundamental physics beyond the Standard Model. In the past few decades, ultra-low-background liquid xenon time projection chambers (TPCs) have emerged as a powerful experimental technique in the search for low energy signatures of new physics.

NPA Zoom Seminar, Arun Tadepalli, JLab, "The SeaQuest Experiment"

The Fermilab E906/SeaQuest is an experiment aimed at studying the anti-quark distributions of nucleons and nuclei. The experiment uses a 120 GeV/c proton beam extracted from the Main Injector at Fermilab to collide with various solid and cryogenic targets to study a variety of physics topics. The experiment takes advantage of the Drell-Yan process in order to probe specifically the high-x anti-quark distributions of the target nucleus.

NPA Zoom Seminar, Xiaoyue Li, Max Planck Institute, "Searching for axion dark matter with the dielectric haloscope MADMAX"

Axions emerge naturally from the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) mechanism which addresses the absence of CP violation in QCD; the axions produced through the “vacuum realignment mechanism” are also a good cold dark matter (CDM) candidate. Traditional cavity haloscope experiments such as ADMX and HAYSTAC have focused on the ~1-10 µeV mass range, leaving the theoretically well motivated mass range of ~100 µeV unexplored.

NPA Zoom Seminar, Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux, University of California at Irvine, "Latest Results from Daya Bay"

The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment consists of eight identically designed antineutrino detectors placed underground at different baselines from six 2.9 GWth nuclear reactors in China. With the largest sample of reactor antineutrino interactions to date, and a tight control of systematic uncertainties, the experiment has world-leading precision for the determination of two neutrino oscillation parameters and the characterization of antineutrino emission from commercial nuclear reactors.

NPA Zoom Seminar, Daniel Tapia Takaki, University of Kansas, "Quantum Tomography applications in Collider Physics"

Quantum mechanics is experiencing an experimental and theoretical renaissance. In this talk, we will discuss novel ways to use quantum mechanics and provide several experimental applications of quantum tomography for proton-proton and heavy-ion collision experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. We will discuss application of this model-independent analysis technique for Z bosons, dijets and quarkonia. The first observation of an unexpected correlation of spin and momentum in the experimental data will also be presented.
Click link to request Zoom info

Wright Lab Workshop: Increasing your online presence in academia and beyond

This workshop, open to the Yale Physics community, will provide an overview of several tools that can be used to create your professional portfolio online, including: traditional websites and wikis; Github; web tools that display your research profile, such as Google Scholar, SelectedWorks, and commercial academic profiles; social media; and other related tools. In addition, Kayleigh Bohémier will provide a brief, hands-on tutorial on populating an ORCID page.

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