3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

Yale Postdoctoral Trainees

Elusives Journal Club: Michaela Guzzetti, University of Washington & Cole Man, PNNL, “Non-Virialized Axion Search Sensitive to Doppler Effects in the Milky Way Halo"

Michaela Guzzetti will lead a discussion on the paper “Non-Virialized Axion Search Sensitive to Doppler Effects in the Milky Way Halo” found at https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.07748.pdf

Members in the departments of physics and astronomy who work on dark matter and neutrino-related fields are invited to get together to discuss papers related to their field. Topics include: neutrinos, dark matter, BSM physics, fundamental symmetries, precision physics and more.

Contact Xiran Bai and Eleanor Graham for more information.

NPA Seminar: Kyle Leach, Colorado School of Mines, "A Tale of Two Symmetries: Examining the PMNS and CKM Matrices via Weak Nuclear Decay"

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Just as the classic English novel lends its title well to the spirit of understanding symmetries in the standard model (SM), the opening words also concisely sum up the status of beyond standard model (BSM) physics searches through tests of the fundamental symmetric matrices over the past few decades. Despite the identical mathematical formalism that generates these matrices in the SM, empirically the level of observed mixing within these two are dramatically different.

NPA Seminar: Yeonju Go, BNL, "Jets and medium response in relativistic heavy ion collisions: Probing quark-gluon plasma"

Quark-gluon plasma (QGP), a unique phase of matter governed by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), is believed to have existed shortly (a few microseconds) after the Big Bang. Jets, collimated particle sprays originating from the fragmentation of hard-scattered quarks or gluons, serve as valuable probes for studying QGP produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions. As jets experience modifications due to the surrounding medium, so-called jet quenching, concurrently, jets influence the medium.

YPPDO Workshop: Preparing for Faculty Positions with Laura Havener and Reina Maruyama

This workshop, presented by Yale Physics’ Professor Reina Maruyama and Assistant Professor Laura Havener, will focus on how to prepare for the academic job market, including:
- how to find and apply for postdoc and faculty positions
- how to prepare your application package, including CV, research statement, teaching statement, etc.
- having a successful postdoctoral experience, and becoming an assistant professor

Host: Fernando Flor

Introduction to HPC

This workshop is designed to introduce new users to the HPC resources available at Yale and to provide a comprehensive overview of the basic concepts needed to perform computing on the clusters:
accessing the clusters,
navigating a linux interface via bash commands, running interactive and batch jobs,
managing files,
troubleshooting workflows, and more.

NPA Seminar: Zoltan Varga, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, "Studying the multiplicity dependence of jet properties and the role of the underlying event in pp collisions"

The Koba-Nielsen-Olesen (KNO) scaling hypothesis is an influential contribution to the analysis of event multiplicities in high-energy particle collisions, according to which the event-multiplicity distributions can be all collapsed onto a universal scaling curve. Recent phenomenological studies suggest that a similar scaling may hold within single jets, if we consider the jet multiplicity as a function of the jet transverse momentum.

NPA Seminar: Charles Baltay, Yale, "Precision Measurement of the Hubble Constant Using Type Ia Supernovae"

It has been realized recently that Type Ia supernova are the most sensitive distance indicators in measuring the Hubble Constant. Our Yale group has been collaborating with the Carnegie Observatory Group (Mark Phillips, Wendy Friedman, et al) with our La Silla/QUEST Supernova Survey providing a substantial part of the supernovae for the most recent precision measurement of the Hubble Constant. Results of this measurement will be presented and and its significance discussed.

Host: Thomas Penny

WIDG Seminar: Arianna García Caffaro, Yale, "Probing the Higgs CP Structure and Quantifying QCD Systematics in Jet Substructure Techniques"

Since the Higgs boson’s discovery in 2012, the High Energy Physics community has centered its efforts on thoroughly studying this particle’s properties. As a step towards that goal, the ATLAS Collaboration has undertaken a study of the CP nature of the Higgs Yukawa coupling to the tau lepton. A Run 2 analysis has measured the CP mixing angle to be 9 ± 16°, excluding the pure CP-odd Higgs hypothesis at 3.4σ. The next iteration of this analysis with partial Run 3 data is underway.

ACCESS: Free HPC Resources Available to Researchers

The session will provide an overview of free ACCESS resources, outline the application process for various resource allocations, as well as reporting requirements for successful applications.

If you are a graduate student, post-doc or professor experiencing restrictions via CPU hour limits, gpu access, and/or other resource-related limitations then ACCESS may be the solution for you.

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