NPA Zoom Seminar, Devin Walker, Dartmouth College, "Two Stories at the Intersection of Particle Physics and Gravitational Waves"
First Story:
First Story:
Fluids can be characterized by macroscopic properties such as viscosities or an equation of state. While the macroscopic properties of everyday fluids are determined by the electromagnetic interaction, an ensemble of fluids encountered in astrophysics and nuclear physics is dominated by the strong nuclear interaction. Relativistic collisions of heavy nuclei, performed at the Large Hadron Collider and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, concentrate sufficient energy at the point of impact to produce a strongly-coupled plasma of deconfined nuclear matter.
The 21 cm emission line from neutral hydrogen represents a promising observational probe of cosmological evolution. In particular, measuring the highly redshifted 21 cm emission from the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) will illuminate a crucial and currently poorly understood period in cosmological history. The EoR denotes the period when radiation from early galaxies and black holes ionized the intergalactic medium.
An exciting scientific frontier is the 3-dimensional exploration of nucleon (and nuclear) structure: nuclear femtography. The study of Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) captures the images of the transverse position distributions of fast moving quarks. Therefore, they provide richer information about the nucleon structure than the well known form factors and parton distribution functions. GPDs are accessible via exclusive reactions, where all particles in the final state are identified.
We invite all members of our community to gather together weekly on Mondays via Zoom to check in with each other and hear what is going on around our community.
We invite all members of our community to gather together weekly on Mondays via Zoom to check in with each other and hear what is going on around our community.
Today’s meeting has been cancelled due to the University’s break day. Enjoy the break!
We invite all members of our community to gather together weekly on Mondays via Zoom to check in with each other and hear what is going on around our community. Today’s program includes updates on recent projects from the APC (Arina Telles) and an update on the planning for the new Physical Sciences Building (PSEB) (Karsten Heeger).
This workshop builds on the introductory workshop, and will include discussion of more exotic materials and techniques. Attending the previous workshop is not necessary, but familiarity with the basics will be helpful.
The Wright Lab community is invited to a weekly meeting on Mondays at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom to hear about and discuss what is going on at the lab. Come hear an update about the work Emily Coates has been doing as Wright Lab’s Artist-in-Residence. Connection code: 889 785 972