3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.


NPA Seminar, Wouter van de Pontseele, MIT, "Quantum technologies for neutrino measurements"

Superconducting technologies have been developed and employed with great success by the quantum information science community. More and more, these technologies show promise for fundamental physics. I want to sketch some of their possible advantages in the context of the Ricochet and Project 8 neutrino experiments.

NPA Seminar, Anthony Timmins, University of Houston, "ALICE 3 - A new horizon for QCD"

The ALICE experiment was built to study many-body Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (QCD) at high temperature and effectively zero baryon density, using relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). These collisions form the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), a state of matter where quarks and gluons are no longer confined inside hadrons. The ALICE physics program centers around the key questions related to QGP phenomena.

NPA Seminar, Karthik Ramanathan, Caltech, "Direct Detection of Dark Matter using Quantum Sensors and Techniques"

Determining the nature of dark matter (DM), a mysterious ‘missing mass’ in the universe, is crucial to completing our models of cosmology and high-energy physics. However, repeated null searches for the most favored DM candidates has motivated a community re-evaluation of the theoretical biases towards this parameter space. Two recent areas of interest, among the many decades of potential DM masses, are particle-like ‘light DM’ with masses less than a GeV and wave-like candidates of O(10) ueV. In this talk, I will discuss R&D work and experiments that seek to probe both avenues.

NPA Seminar, Tereza Kroupová, University of Pennsylvania, "Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and the SNO+ Experiment"

One of the biggest questions in fundamental particle physics is whether neutrinos are Dirac fermions, with distinct anti-particles, or Majorana fermions, for which the particles and anti-particles are identical. The best available probe of the neutrino nature is neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ), a hypothetical process that require massive Majorana neutrinos. This discovery of this lepton number violating process would therefore reveal the neutrino nature and provide a window into physics beyond the Standard Model.

NPA Seminar, Flavio Cavanna, FERMILAB and University of L’Aquila, "The path of the DUNE Experiment at a turning point."

Getting there! DUNE with two 17kt LAr TPC Far Detector (FD1-FD2) modules, a Near Detector Complex and a Neutrino Beam with an intensity of 1.2 MW is well on its way to start physics in 2028 at SURF (SD). Mass Ordering and sensitivity to Maximal CPV - the initial goals of the flagship Long-Baseline (LBL) Neutrino Program - are within reach. 
The time has come to define a strategy to achieve the ambitious ultimate precision in the LBL physics goals and possibly further expand the DUNE science scope into the low-energy domain of rare underground physics and BSM searches.

Special Seminar: Shelly Lesher, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, "Evidence-Based Inclusive Mentoring Practices"

Mentoring of undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers is an important part of any scientists’ career. Research has shown that a good mentoring relationship can be one of the most important factors in determining students’ persistence in graduate school and recruitment of underrepresented students into the STEMM community. Although the importance of mentorship is understood, very few faculty have ever participated in a mentor training program and few structured training events are provided, especially for academics early in their career.

Dissertation Defense: Hannah Bossi, Yale University, "Novel Uses of Machine Learning for Differential Jet Quenching Measurements at the LHC"

At sufficiently high temperatures and pressures, QCD matter becomes a hot and dense deconfined medium known as the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). Collisions of relativistic heavy-ions are used to recreate the QGP, providing a rich laboratory for exploring the mysteries of the strong interaction. The intrinsic and dynamic properties of the QGP are probed with jets, narrow cones of particles resulting from the scattering of quarks and gluons with a high momentum transfer.

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