3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

Graduate And Professional

Dissertation Defense: Ako Jamil, Yale University, “Rare Event Searches in Liquid Xenon with EXO-200 and nEXO”

Noble liquid time projection chambers are ubiquitously used to search for rare events such
as neutrinoless double beta decay or dark matter interactions. A detailed understanding of
light and charge transport in liquid xenon is of the utmost importance when modeling the
performance of these experiments.
In this talk I will present the design and physics reach of the proposed nEXO experiment,

NPA Seminar, Wilke van der Schee, CERN, “Inferring nuclear structure from heavy isobar collisions using Trajectum”

Nuclei with equal number of baryons but varying proton number (isobars) have many commonalities, but differ in both electric charge and nuclear structure. Relativistic collisions of such isobars provide unique opportunities to study the variation of the magnetic field, provided the nuclear structure is well understood. In this Letter we simulate collisions using several state-of-the-art parametrizations of the Zr and Ru isobars and show that a comparison with the exciting STAR measurement arXiv:2109.00131 of ultrarelativistic collisions can uniquely identify the structure of both isobars.

WIDG Seminar, Vas Fotopoulos, University College London, “Multi-scale modeling of the effects of impurities in polycrystalline metallic systems”

Stress-induced voiding (SIV) is amongst the most commonly reported defects in metallic systems used as interconnects in electronic devices. Apart from the development of novel materials, these degradation effects are crucial for the understanding of the properties of nanocrystals. Hydrogen along with other impurities like O, S and C, play a crucial role in metal embrittlement and can be detrimental to the performance of these devices. In addition, the inclusion of metallic dopants is expected to inhibit the effects of non-metallic impurities.

NPA Seminar, Isaac Mooney, Wayne State University, “Jet substructure measurements in proton-proton and proton-gold collisions at RHIC”

Measurements of the substructure of high-momentum jets produced in proton-proton (pp) collisions give insight into fundamental aspects of QCD, from the production of highly virtual partons, to their subsequent radiation and hadronization. Additionally, once the evolution of jets in vacuum is calibrated, it is possible to study potential modification to jet substructure due to interaction with the cold nuclear medium present in proton-gold (pAu) collisions.

NPA Seminar, Benjamin Kimelman, UC Davis, "Phase Transitions and Where to Find Them: Probing the QCD Phase Diagram with Heavy-Ion Collisions"

Abstract: Relativistic heavy-ion collisions are a unique tool that allow us to probe QCD and its fundamental interactions; of particular interest is the phase transition between a hadron gas and a quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Characterizing this phase transition and mapping out the QCD phase diagram have been some of the primary goals of relativistic heavy-ion collisions over the past two decades. This talk will cover the background of the QGP and discuss a selection of the important observations over the past 22 years of RHIC operations relating to the QCD phase diagram.

Dissertation Defense: Benjamin Foust, Yale University, “Precise Measurement of the U-235 Antineutrino Energy Spectrum”

Neutrino experimentation is an important pathway to physics beyond the standard model, raising questions on how neutrinos obtain their vanishingly small but non-zero mass, what that mass is, and if they are their own antiparticle. Antineutrinos, as an abundant product of nuclear decay chains, are also important to advancing our understanding of nuclear physics and verifying nuclear databases.

Introduction to the Advanced Prototyping Center: Designing for rapid prototyping

In this workshop we will cover the equipment available at the Wright Lab Advanced Prototyping Center and how to get started designing parts. Basics of CNC laser and abrasive water jet cutting will be included, as well as an introduction to 3D printing. No prior experience is required, but having an idea for a project that you may want to get started on would be great. We will start off with a classroom presentation and then have a quick tour of the facilities.
James Nikkel

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