3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

Wright Lab Computing Workshop: Data Analysis with Python

Event time: 
Wednesday, October 27, 2021 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Wright Lab WNSL, WL-216 (Conference Room) See map
272 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511

Free but register in advance
Event description: 

This workshop will cover an introduction to Python and the powerful libraries numpy and matplotlib. In the process, we will cover array manipulation, plotting, histogramming, and efficient file IO. Finally, we pull these tools together to analyze some real-world data collected at Wright Lab.
Thomas Langford
In-person attendance will be capped at 20 people on a first-come, first-served basis, according to the current Yale policies.
More Information: https://covid19.yale.edu/campus-life/events-gatherings-meetings
Please email the host for the Zoom connection information.