The first annual Yale Day of Instrumentation was held on Friday, November 16, 2018 at the Yale School of Forestry’s Kroon Hall. About 165 people from across the University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Yale Medical School and Yale West Campus participated in the full-day event, which included talks, lightning talks, a poster session, a photography contest and a reception. Wright Lab Director Karsten Heeger and Joerg Bewersdorf from the Yale School of Medicine co-organized the event.
The Yale Day of Instrumentation was initiated as a response to the call from the University Science Strategy Committee to better coordinate and invest in instrument efforts across the University.
The event was sponsored by the Wright Laboratory, Office of the Provost, and Yale University.
For photos, the agenda, the talk slides and PDFs of the posters presented at the event, please see the Yale Day of Instrumentation website.
Please see also the YaleNews article on the event.