From October 7-10, students, postdocs, and faculty of Wright Lab attended and presented their research at DNP 2024 in Boston, which is the fall meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP) of the American Physical Society (APS). Wright Lab members presented fourteen talks and one poster on the topics of heavy ion physics, neutrino research, and quantum sensing.
Wright Lab community members were also present at the Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEU), a satellite meeting of DNP 2024. Undergraduate Aaron Chizhik presented a poster on his summer research at CEU and Wright Lab hosted a table at the CEU Graduate School Fair for the recruitment of new graduate students. Assisting at the recruitment fair were Wright Lab faculty Helen Caines and Laura Havener and graduate students Jacqueline Baeza-Rubio, Ryan Hamilton, and Morgan Knuesel.
Havener said, “Our table was always packed and we had lines of people who wanted to chat with us the entire time.”
Wright Lab director Karsten Heeger said, “I am very pleased to see such a broad representation of Wright Lab’s research program at the APS DNP 2024 meeting. The presentations highlight the range of ongoing research at Wright Lab and the opportunities we offer to students to participate in and discuss frontier research.”
A list of the Wright Lab-affiliated presentations at DNP 2024 is below.
Invited speaker
- David Moore, J01.00001 Recoil Measurements with Levitated Spheres
Session presenters
- Helen Caines, J06.00001 CEU: Thinking About Graduate School
- Fernando Flor, K03.00008 Sequentially Charming Chemical Freeze-out in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC and RHIC
- Ryan Hamilton, L03.00006 Coupling Glauber Monte Carlo Phenomenology with High pT Measurements to Estimate Jet Anisotropy v2 and Correlations of Partonic Energy Loss with Energy Density εBj
- Morgan Knuesel, F04.00006 Examination of Jet Substructure Evolution Using Temporal Reclustering in ALICE √s = 5.02 TeV pp Collisions
- Luke Mozarsky, R05.00005 Performing an Underlying Event Tune for Proton-Proton Collisions at RHIC using the Herwig 7.3 Event Generator
- Iris Ponce, K03.00006 Strange hadron production in O+O collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV at STAR
- Glenn Richardson, J04.00009 Exploring the Low Energy Structure of 136Cs and its Implications for Xenon Based Astroparticle Physics
- Austin Rosypal (Wright Lab summer student, from Lehigh University), R04.00006 Investigating the Path-Length Dependence of Jet Energy Loss Using Event-Shape Engineering in STAR Au-Au √sNN = 200 GeV Collisions
- Zoltán Varga, First-time measurement of the Koba-Nielsen-Olesen-like scaling of jet multiplicities in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with ALICE
Mini-symposia presenters
- Prakhar Garg, F12.00004 GridPIX TPC as a compact PID and Tracking device
- Maya Moore, J02.00006 Backgrounds at Low Energies in CUORE
- Molly Watts, K02.00007 Light Collection and Simulation for nEXO
- Talia Weiss, E13.00002 A Cavity CRES Apparatus for the Project 8 Neutrino Mass Experiment
Conference Experience for Undergraduates poster presentation
- Aaron Chizhik, G00.00026 Light Detector R&D for CUORE/CUPID
Flickr album of photos from DNP 2024