3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

First Yale Instrumentation Lunch held at Wright Lab on Quantum Sensors: Opportunities and Applications

February 20, 2019

Wright Laboratory (Wright Lab) and the Yale Quantum Institute (YQI) hosted the first Yale Instrumentation Lunch on Tuesday, February 19, on the topic “Quantum Sensors: Opportunities and Applications.”

47 participants from Applied Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Wright Lab and the Yale Quantum Institute attended the event, which was held in the Wright Lab meeting room WL-216.

Wright Lab Director and Physics professor Karsten Heeger gave an introductory presentation, followed by talks from Steven Girvin, Eugene Higgins professor of Physics; Rob Schoelkopf, Sterling Professor of Applied Physics and professor of Physics; Danielle Speller, postdoctoral associate in Physics and Kelly Backes, graduate student in Physics; Jack Harris, professor of Physics; and David Moore, assistant professor of Physics.  Laura Newburgh, assistant professor of Physics was unable to attend, but sent a slide, which is linked, below, along with the other talks.

In 2018, Yale released the report of the University Science Strategy Committee, identifying the most promising opportunities for investment across scientific disciplines. Instrumentation is one of four recommended areas for cross-cutting investment by Yale

The Yale Instrumentation Lunch series aims to bring together researchers from across campus to discuss topics related to novel instrumentation. The objectives are to foster interdepartmental connections and identify new opportunities in instrumentation.

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