May 22, 2023
Wright Lab congratulates our graduating students in the class of 2023, including:
Ph.D. Graduates
- Benjamin Foust, ‘22 (advisor Karsten Heeger), “Precise Measurement of the U-235 Antineutrino Energy Spectrum”
- Ako Jamil, ‘22 (advisor David Moore), “Rare Event Searches in Liquid Xenon with EXO-200 and nEXO”
- Caitie Beattie, ‘23 (advisor John Harris), “Pathlength-dependent jet quenching in the quark–gluon plasma at ALICE”
- Hannah Bossi, ‘23 (advisor John Harris), “Novel Uses of Machine Learning for Differential Jet Quenching Measurements at the LHC”
- London Cooper-Troendle, ‘23 (advisors Bonnie Fleming, Karsten Heeger), “First Measurement of Inclusive Muon Neutrino Charged Current Triple Differential Cross Section on Argon”
- Eustace Edwards, ‘23 (advisors David Demille, Steve Lamoreaux), “Cold Thallium Fluoride Beam: Buffer Gas Cooling, Beam Production, and B^3 Π Excited State Hyperfine Spectra”
- Kaicheng Li ‘23 (advisors Bonnie Fleming, Karsten Heeger), “Searching for the Electron Neutrino Anomaly with the MicroBooNE Experiment Using Wire-Cell Reconstruction”
- Giacomo Scanavini, ‘23 (advisors Bonnie Fleming, Karsten Heeger), “First measurement of neutral current neutral pion production differential cross sections on argon”
- Oskari Timgren, 23 (advisors David Demille, Steve Lamoreaux), “Progress towards a measurement of time-reversal symmetry violation in thallium fluoride”
- Tausif Hossain* +(advisor Sarah Demers), “The Mu2e Trigger Rates Analysis and Data Quality Monitor Development”
- Matthew Robert Murphy (advisor Sarah Demers)
- Kohsuke Sato* +(advisor Charles Baltay)
- Yu Jun Shen* + (advisor Sarah Demers), “Investigation of Variational Quantum Eigensolver techniques in Qiskit”
- Shayaan Subzwari* (advisor Karsten Heeger), “The LUCKEY Magnet”
- Dawson Thomas* (advisor Sarah Demers), “Topological Machine Learning for Jet Physics”
- Giovanna Truong* (advisor Jack Harris), “Studying supercooled water using diamagnetic levitation”
We also congratulate the following graduating undergraduate students who have worked at Wright Lab as part of their academic journey:
- Alexandra Hasland-Gourley (advisor Steven Zucker): worked with Sarah Demers on ATLAS
- Helena Lyng-Olsen* + (advisor Mary-Louise Timmermans): worked with Keith Baker on ATLAS
- Neal Ma* +(advisor Diana Qiu): worked with Reina Maruyama on CUORE/CUPID
* indicates distinction in the major
+indicates 2023 induction into SPS
Please see also our Flickr album of pictures from our community.
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