3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

YPPDO Virtual Coffee Chat with Merideth Frey, PhD

Event time: 
Monday, August 17, 2020 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Online See map

Event description: 

Please join us for a virtual coffee chat with Merideth Frey (BA, Wellesley College. PhD, Yale University). Merideth Frey is currently heading the physics department at Sarah Lawrence College, where she is designing lab-based courses to add to the curriculum, as well as applying physics education research-based methodologies to the core physics courses. Professor Frey previously taught courses at Wesleyan University and Princeton University, including helping develop investigative science learning environment physics labs. Her past research includes novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for 3D imaging of solids and using optical magnetometry for low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Her current research involves building a low-cost MRI setup to explore cross-disciplinary magnetic resonance applications.

In this coffee chat, Merideth will take you through her career path starting as a PhD student at Yale and answer your questions on transitioning to a teaching focused college, her efforts to update current curriculums and continue research, and anything else you’d like to learn about it! Please submit your questions here or bring them to the Q&A.

Host: Yale Physics Professional Development Organization

Sponsored by: Yale Department of Physics and the Yale Wright Laboratory

Questions? Email emma.castiglia@yale.edu
RSVP required: https://forms.gle/3dCFZazdwp5W4P3d7