This talk presents the first measurement of sub-MeV scale energy signatures and relevant backgrounds for beam neutrino interactions in MicroBooNE using a dedicated reconstruction technique. After introducing the Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber technology and the MicroBooNE detector, I will highlight the main features of this reconstruction technique and the measurements carried out from beam neutrino data. I will discuss how this reconstruction was able to identify and quantitatively analyze the low energy activity emanating from MicroBooNE detector components, the findings of which could have significant impact on low energy analyses in future LArTPCs such as SBND and DUNE. In the end I will discuss how this reconstruction framework is being used for detecting low energy neutrino interactions from core-collapse supernovae and muons decaying at rest (µDAR
Zoom link:
WIDG Seminar: Avinay Bhat, Syracuse University, “MeV Scale Physics in MicroBooNE”
Event time:
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Event description:
Sponsored by the Flint Fund, Yale Wright Laboratory, Yale Department of Physics, and Yale University