3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

Elusives Journal Club: Glenn Richardson, Yale, “Observation of low-lying isomeric states in 136Cs: a new avenue for dark matter and solar neutrino detection in xenon detectors”

Event time: 
Friday, February 10, 2023 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Wright Lab - Connector, WLC-245 (Conference Room) See map
270 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511

Event description: 

Glenn Richardson will lead a discussion on the paper “Observation of low-lying isomeric states in 136Cs: a new avenue for dark matter and solar neutrino detection in xenon detectors,” which discusses the discovery of a new low lying quasi-stable state of Cs that can be used to detect solar neutrinos and fermionic dark matter. We’ll begin the discussion with a brief summary of the paper, so please still come and discuss even if you can’t find the time to read it!
Members in the departments of physics and astronomy who work on dark matter and neutrino-related fields are invited to get together to discuss papers related to their field. Topics include: neutrinos, dark matter, BSM physics, fundamental symmetries, precision physics and more.