3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

CAEN visit to Yale Physics: Marco Locatelli, CAEN Technologies, “Perspective on Digital DAQ”

Event time: 
Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Wright Lab - Connector, WLC-245 (Conference Room) See map
270 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511

Event description: 

The visit will be an opportunity to discuss new CAEN and Nalu Scientific products.
Providing cutting edge technology for Physics and Applied Physics DAQ remains CAEN main focus. New product families became available in the past few months that can fulfill the needs of next-gen experiments in the Neutrino, Dark Matter, Gamma/Neutron Spectroscopy fields, thanks to improved technologies and innovative solutions.
The main topics will cover: 1. The CAEN Digitizer 2.0 Family with Open FPGA Capability. 2. The FERS-5200 Platform for high channel density applications (SiPMs and more). 3. Nalu Scientific fast, dense ASICs & custom project capability. 4. Open FPGA programming tools and capabilities .
Host: Jorge Torres