Wright Lab All Hands Meeting-CANCELLED
We invite all members of our community to gather together weekly on Mondays via Zoom to check in with each other and hear what is going on around our community.
We invite all members of our community to gather together weekly on Mondays via Zoom to check in with each other and hear what is going on around our community.
Today’s meeting has been cancelled due to the University’s break day. Enjoy the break!
We invite all members of our community to gather together weekly on Mondays via Zoom to check in with each other and hear what is going on around our community. Today’s program includes updates on recent projects from the APC (Arina Telles) and an update on the planning for the new Physical Sciences Building (PSEB) (Karsten Heeger).
This workshop builds on the introductory workshop, and will include discussion of more exotic materials and techniques. Attending the previous workshop is not necessary, but familiarity with the basics will be helpful.
The Wright Lab community is invited to a weekly meeting on Mondays at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom to hear about and discuss what is going on at the lab. Come hear an update about the work Emily Coates has been doing as Wright Lab’s Artist-in-Residence. Connection code: 889 785 972
Meeting ID: 961 1839 6029
YPPDO Virtual Coffee Chat with Dr. Grace Metcalfe
When: Wednesday October 21, 2020 at 1pm - 2pm
Where: Zoom
The thermodynamic properties of the ionized baryons in galaxies, groups, and clusters encode the effects of the assembly history and feedback processes that shape galaxy and cluster formation. These properties can be studied through the imprints that the scattering of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons off the free-electron gas in galaxies and clusters leave on high resolution CMB maps: the thermal and kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effects.
The undergraduate research fair is an annual event which seeks to facilitate undergraduates with a physics interest to obtain research positions and to facilitate faculty in their search for capable undergraduate researchers. Faculty with primary and secondary appointments are invited.
Hosts: Nikhil Padmanabhan (DUS) and Karsten Heeger (Department Chair)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://yale.zoom.us/j/96745497003?pwd=S0Uva29kWFM4dm5NWE9vbmd6Mkovdz09
Members of the Wright Lab community are invited to join to discuss and provide input to the department’s DEI action plan at the all-hands meeting time of 9:30 on Monday, October 12. The action plan has been developed by the Physics DEIAP writing group and the department’s APS-IDEA team, together with the CDC and the department community.