3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

Graduate And Professional

WIDG Seminar: Chitres Guria, Yale University, "Topological structures and dynamics in an optomechanical system with exceptional points"

A system whose time evolution is linear, i.e. dx/dt= -iH.x, shows non-trivial topological structures and dynamics when the effective Hamiltonian H is allowed to be any complex matrix, which includes all Hermitian and non-Hermitian matrices. Previous works have investigated a system of two optomechanically coupled oscillators, described by a non-Hermitian 2x2 effective Hamiltonian H parametrized by two independent control parameters.

NPA Zoom Seminar, Magdalena Djordjevic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, "Exploring QGP properties of through rare high-pt light and heavy flavor probes"

High-pt theory and data are traditionally used to explore high-pt parton interactions with QGP, while QGP bulk properties are explored through low-pt data and corresponding models. However, with a proper description of high-pt parton-medium interactions, rare high-pt light and heavy flavor can also be a powerful tool for inferring bulk QGP properties, as they are sensitive to global QGP parameters.

Wright Lab Computing Workshop: Preparing a personal website with GitHub pages

Led by Tom Langford, YCRC and Wright Lab
We will go through creating personal/academic and project-based websites. This is a great way to showcase your research portfolio when applying for postdocs or external positions. 
This will be a hands-on session, so please:
Create a free GitHub account (https://education.github.com
Bring some content that you would like to put on your website

NPA Seminar (virtual): Jan Behrens, KIT, "The KATRIN experiment: The Challenge of Determining the Absolute Neutrino Mass"

The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment probes the absolute neutrinomass scale via the β-decay kinematics of molecular tritium. With a sensitivity goal of 0.2 eV/c² at 90% CL, it provides model-independent input to both particle theory and cosmology. The source is highly pure, cryogenic T₂ gas. The electrons resulting from β-decay are guided along magnetic field lines toward a high-resolution, integrating spectrometer for

WIDG Seminar: Caitie Beattie, Yale, "Probing the Link Between Jet Modification and the QGP"

The Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), a phase of matter characterised by the deconfinement of its constituent quarks and gluons (partons), exists only at extremely high energy densities, such as those produced immediately after the Big Bang. By colliding heavy ions at high energies, we are able to reproduce the extreme conditions necessary for QGP formation, providing an excellent testing ground for studying the properties of high temperature QCD.

EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Research Shop Users

Wright Lab will host two identical 1-hour Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Shop Orientations on Tuesday, September 15 at 3:00 p.m., and Wednesday, September 23 at 2:00 p.m., both on Zoom. The EHS shop orientation is offered each semester and is required to be taken once by anyone who would like to gain access and make use of the research and teaching shops at Wright Lab.
For more information on the shop facilities at Wright Lab see: https://wlab.yale.edu/facilities

EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Research Shop Users

Wright Lab will host two identical 1-hour Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Shop Orientations on Tuesday, September 15 at 3:00 p.m., and Wednesday, September 23 at 2:00 p.m., both on Zoom. The EHS shop orientation is offered each semester and is required to be taken once by anyone who would like to gain access and make use of the research and teaching shops at Wright Lab.
For more information on the shop facilities at Wright Lab see: https://wlab.yale.edu/facilities

Wright Lab Computing Workshop: Data Analysis with Python

This workshop will cover an introduction to Python and the powerful libraries numpy and matplotlib. In the process, we will cover array manipulation, plotting, histogramming, and efficient file IO. Finally, we pull these tools together to analyze some real-world data collected at WLab.
Check out the workshop slides here: https://wrightlaboratory.github.io/data_analysis/

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