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Yale Women in Physics organizes first CUWiP-Y

group of people smiling standing in front of a blackboard.
February 15, 2024

On Friday, February 2, 2024, the Undergraduate Yale Women in Physics (WiP+) held its first Conference for Undergraduate Women and Gender Minorities in Physics - Yale Edition (CUWiP-Y) in the third floor lounge of Sloane Physics Lab.

The event was held for those who were not able to attend the American Physical Society’s Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, as well as for those who did attend but wanted to share their experience with others. The students heard from a panel of women professors here at Yale about their career journeys and had an opportunity to ask questions.

Undergraduate student Rachel Merrill, Community Liason for WiP+, stated, “We had a lively panel/Q&A session with Yale Physics Professors Meg Urry, Sarah Demers, Alison Sweeney and Reina Maruyama, who shared their experiences and advice for our members on navigating the world of physics.” She added, “We followed the panel with a catered lunch in the newly renovated undergraduate lounge, where we were joined by Professor Maruyama and members of grad WiP+. The event was a lot of fun!”

Demers and Maruyama are members of Yale’s Wright Lab.

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