On December 15, the students from the physics department independent research courses PHYS 469 (for first years and sophomores) and PHYS 471 (for juniors and seniors) presented the results of their research done over the fall term in a poster session held in the newly refurbished Kline Tower 14th floor meeting space.
Undergraduate registrar Daphne Klemme said, “The posters were lined up along the outside edges of the room overlooking spectacular views of campus and the final touches of the rosy sky of early morning.”
Klemme continued, “Students discussed their research with faculty and staff while enjoying a light breakfast. The layout was airy and the atmosphere convivial.”
Students work with faculty mentors throughout the Fall on their projects and Alison Sweeney, associate professor of physics and of ecology and evolutionary biology, oversees the two courses as instructor.
In past years, these student presentations have been done as talks scheduled for several hours a day over two to three days, but the Yale Physics faculty suggested and approved a format change to poster presentations from now into the future.
Sweeney said, “This format was developed to give students opportunities to learn about research activities throughout the whole department and to show off and discuss their hard work with each other. In the previous format of a single series of research talks held over several days, the complicated scheduling of finals week meant that students rarely got to hear about their peers’ research.”
Sarah Demers, professor and director of undergraduate studies in physics noted that the new format and the event overall was a “resounding success”.
Sweeney agreed, saying, “The venue was great, students were really engaged in learning about each other’s work, and the atmosphere was positive and constructive.”
Wright Lab students and alumni who presented include: Jessie Chen, Elsa Durcan, Sophia Getz, Argyris Giannisis Manes, Eitan Minsky-Fenick, Luke Mozarsky, Juan Reecoaro, Jack Roche, Din-Ammar Tolj, and Barkotel Zemenu.