May 17, 2024
The Yale Physics Department annually selects oustanding seniors in the department for the Howard L. Schultz, Sr. PhD. ‘37 Prize; based on faculty nominations and academic achievement.
Wright Lab congratulates current members Elsa Durcan, Luke Mozarsky, Rose Powers, and Barkotel Zemenu; as well as Wright Lab alumni Sophia Getz and Argyris Giannisis Manes; for being awarded the 2024 prize, along with Jessie Chen, who works with Yale Physics assistant professor Meng Cheng. More details about the students and their senior projects follow.
- Jessie Chen. B.S., Physics (Int.) with Distinction in the Major / Computer Science. Advisor: Meng Cheng. Senior Project, “Lindbladian Dynamics in Open–System Phase Transitions with Strong-to-Weak SSB”. A member of Sigma Pi Sigma.
- Elsa Durcan. B.S., Physics (Int.) / History of Science, Medicine and Public Health; member of Yale’s Wright Lab. Advisor: Reina Maruyama. Senior Project, “Superconducting Nanowire Electron Detectors for the RAY Experiment”. A member of Sigma Pi Sigma.
- Sophia Getz. B.S., Economics / Physics with Distinction in the Major. Advisor: Juan Lora. Senior Project: “Modeling Climate Impacts of Deforestation in the Amazon”. A Member of Sigma Pi Sigma.
- Argyris Giannisis Manes. B.S., Physics (Int.) with Distinction in the Major / Mathematics. Advisor: Shruti Puri. Senior Project, “Distance-preserving stabilizer measurements in hypergraph product codes”.
- Luke Mozarsky. B.S., Physics (Int.) with Distinction in the Major / Statistics and Data Science; member of Yale’s Wright Lab. Advisor: Helen Caines. Senior Project, “Tuning the Herwig 7.2 Monte Carlo Event Generator using Professor 2.0”. A member of Sigma Pi Sigma.
- Rose Powers. B.S., Physics (Int.) with Distinction in the Major; member of Yale’s Wright Lab. Advisor: Sarah Demers. Senior Project: “Photon Energy Resolution Studies for a 10TeV Muon Collider”. A member of Sigma Pi Sigma.
- Barkotel Zemenu. B.S., Physics (Int.) with Distinction in the Major; member of Yale’s Wright Lab. Advisor: David Moore. Senior Project: “Characterizing the Outgassing of Electronegative Impurities in nEXO”. A member os Sigma Pi Sigma.
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