December 8, 2023
From November 26-December 1, 2023, members of the Wright Lab research community attended and presented their research at DNP 2023 in Hawaii, which is the fall meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP) of the American Physical Society (APS) and the Physical Society of Japan. A list of the Wright Lab-affiliated presentations and other involvement is below.
Session presenters
- Helen Caines, Thinking of Applying to Graduate School? Thoughts from a Director of Graduate Admissions
- Isaac Mooney, Jets in STAR
- Ian Moult, Imaging the Intrinsic and Emergent Scales of QCD with Energy Correlators
- Jorge Torres, MW01.00005 Searching for 0νββ decay with CUORE and CUPID
Session co-author
- Sidney Cahn, Progress towards measuring the parity-violating nuclear anapole moment of 137Ba in BaF molecules
- Sophia Hollick, Reclassifying neutron resonance spins with Machine Learning
Mini-symposia presenters
- Samantha Pagan, A search for solar axions with CUORE and other low-energy analyses
- Sierra Wilde, Light detection and simulation for nEXO
Mini-symposia co-authors
- Steve Lamoreaux, Progress towards a nuclear Schiff moment measurement using 205TlF molecules in CeNTREX
- Talia Weiss, Neutrino mass limit and final analysis of the first tritium spectrum recorded with CRES
Conference Experience for Undergraduates presenter