April 19, 2021
Wright Lab researchers were well-represented at the American Physical Society (APS) April Meeting 2021, “Quarks to Cosmos”, with six invited talks and sixteen contributed talks on a broad range of topics including: astro, particle and nuclear physics; quantum science; instrumentation; and international collaboration. More information about the talks can be found, below, by clicking on the links.
Invited talks
- Kelly Backes, graduate student in physics B07.00001 A Quantum-Enhanced Search for Dark Matter Axions
- Keith Baker, D. Allan Bromley Professor of Physics G04.00002 Entanglement and thermalization in peripheral collisions
- Helen Caines, professor of physics B05.00002 Insights from the STAR Collider Program
- Bonnie Fleming, professor of physics Y02.00001 Summary Basic Research Needs for High Energy Physics Detector Research & Development
- Karsten Heeger, professor of physics K06.00001 Precision Studies of Reactor Neutrinos: International Collaborations for Discovery Science
- Reina Maruyama, associate professor of physics Y19.00001 Quantum Sensors for Particle Physics
Contributed talks
- London Cooper-Troendle, graduate student in physics E18.00002 Generic Neutrino Selection in the MicroBooNE LArTPC Using the WireCell Reconstruction Framework
- Benjamin Foust, graduate student in physics B13.00004 A Joint Analysis of the PROSPECT and STEREO $^{235}$U Antineutrino Spectra
- Jeremy Gaison, graduate student in physics B13.00003 Joint Isotope-Dependent Analysis of the Daya Bay and PROSPECT Reactor Antineutrino Spectra
- Sumita Ghosh, graduate student in applied physics Z20.00009 Experimental limits on dark photon models from HAYSTAC
- Lee Hagaman, graduate student in physics H13.00001 Charged Current Electron Neutrino Event Selection in MicroBooNE Based on Wire-Cell 3D Reconstruction Algorithms
- Ako Jamil, graduate student in physics T13.00006 Sensitivity and Discovery Potential of the nEXO Experiment
- Michael Jewell, postdoctoral associate X20.00005 Optimizing the HAYSTAC Livetime
- Jay Hyun Jo, postdoctoral associate H13.00002 Charged-Current Electron-Neutrino Low Energy Excess Search with Wire-Cell reconstruction paradigm in MicroBooNE
- Kaicheng Li, graduate student in physics H13.00007 Statistical Treatment of Wire-Cell Low Energy Excess Search at MicroBooNE
- Gianantonio Pezzullo, postdoctoral associate E20.00009 Mu2e Online DAQ and Slow Controls Interface
- Giacomo Scanavini, graduate student in physics S11.00008 Charged-Current Muon Neutrino and neutral pion selection in MicroBooNE using Wire-Cell
- Sukhmanpreet Singh, undergraduate B15.00008 Signal Processing Techniques for the HAYSTAC Experiment
- Penny Slocum, associate research scientist in physics Q14.00003 Simulation of the Project 8 Phase III Free Space CRES Demonstrator
- Pranava Teja Surukuchi, postdoctoral associate Q14.00004 Event Reconstruction in the Project 8 Free Space CRES Demonstrator
- William Thompson, graduate student in physics E21.00007 Measurement of the Sodium Quenching Factor Across Multiple NaI(Tl) Detectors
- Talia Weiss, graduate student in physics Q14.00005 Bayesian Analysis of Project 8’s Sensitivity to the Neutrino Mass Scale and Ordering
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