On April 8, 2022, about 50 people gathered both at Wright Lab and via Zoom to participate in the Wright Lab Quantum Sensing Workshop, which kicked off the first ever Quantum Week at Yale.
Quantum science is one of five top priority areas identified by Yale University’s Science Strategy. Yale’s Wright Lab is exploring the applications of quantum science and sensing to tests of fundamental physics. The workshop brought together researchers from Wright Lab to discuss their work and future opportunities in this field.
The workshop opened with a keynote talk from Dr. Dmitry Budker of the Helmholtz Institute Mainz at Johannes Gutenberg University and University of California, Berkeley.
Plenary talks from Wright Lab faculty followed, including D. Allan Bromley Professor of Physics Keith Baker, professor Reina Maruyama, professor Jack Harris, assistant professor Laura Newburgh and assistant professor David Moore.
After the plenary session, five Wright Lab students and postdocs, and one recent Wright Lab alumnus who is now a postdoc at Brookhaven National Laboratory, participated in a lightning talk competition, with prizes awarded after an audience vote. Graduate student Sumita Ghosh and postdoctoral associate Yuqi Zhu tied for first place, winning Amazon gift cards.
The workshop organizing committee included Baker (who was the committee’s chair); Harris; Karsten Heeger, Wright Lab director, chair of the Yale Physics Department, and professor of physics; Steve Lamoreaux, professor of physics; Maruyama; Victoria Misenti, Wright Lab program manager; Moore; Newburgh; and James Nikkel, research scientist.
For a full agenda and the presentation slides, please see the workshop website, linked below.
Photos of the event can be found on our Flickr page.
For more information about Quantum Week at Yale, see the Quantum Week website or the Yale News article, “Quantum Week at Yale geared toward novices and experts alike,” both of which are also linked below.