February 28, 2020
Wright Laboratory hosted the official preliminary round for the Yale University 3-Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) on February 26, 2020.
The program included the following talks, which could be up to 3 minutes long and include up to one (optional) slide:
- David Caianiello, Chemistry, Bifunctional molecules that degrade circulating proteins
- Alisha Chan, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Can Sustainable Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) Impact the Number of Mosquitoes in Areas with a Combined Sewer System?
- Arpit Dua, Physics, Fracton error correcting codes
- Daniel Gaskell, Geology & Geophysics, How Do Dead Plankton Record the History of the Planet?
- Yuri Gloumakov, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Changing the way we control prostheses
- Duncan Keller, Geology & Geophysics, Nanoscale Needles Reveal the Extraordinary Journey of Connecticut’s Deepest Rocks
- Jhe-Hao Li, Chemistry, How bacteria talk about stress and how we overhear it
- Xiaotong Li, Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Discover genomic abnormality for personalized medicine
- Tong Liu, Physics, How small can it be? – inclusive jet measurement at small system heavy ion collisions
- Yantao Luo, Geology & Geophysics, The Earth History We Stand On
- Daniel Seara, Physics, Going back in time to measure biology’s fuel efficiency
- Trevor Wright, Physics, What’s the Matter with the Universe?
- Lily Zhao, Astronomy, Towards a True Earth Twin
Four contestants-Keller, Luo, Wright, and Zhao-advanced to the final round, which will be held on April 3, 2020.
More information about Yale’s 3-Minute Thesis competition can be found on the Yale Office of Career Strategy’s website.