Wright Laboratory hosted a practice round and competition for the Yale University 3-Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) at Wright Laboratory on February 7, 2020. The practice round was open to all those from the physical sciences who are competing in the official 3MT competition.
The program included the following talks, which could be up to 3 minutes long and include up to one (optional) slide:
- Yuri Gloumakov (Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science) - Reshaping how we think about prosthesis control
- Daniel Seara (Physics) - Traveling back in time to measure life’s energy budget
- Camrynn Fausey (Engineering & Applied Science) - Water Treatment: To Nano or Not to Nano
- Tong Liu (Physics) - How small can it be: Probing small systems for the Quark Gluon Plasma
- Yantao Luo (Geology and Geophysics) - Probing the Earth History
- Arpit Dua (Physics) - Better memories for quantum computers
- Alisha Chan (Chemical and Environmental Engineering) - Can Sustainable Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) Decrease the Number of Mosquitoes in an Area with Combined Sewer Overflows?
- Trevor Wright (Physics) - What’s the Matter with the Universe?
There was a three-way tie for first place, based on audience vote. Camrynn Fausey, Yantao Luo and Alisha Chan were all awarded Amazon gift certificates.
Wright Lab will also host the preliminary round for the physical sciences on February 26, 2020.
More information about Yale’s 3-Minute Thesis competition can be found on the Yale Office of Career Strategy’s website.
The event was sponsored by the Flint Fund, the Yale Office of Career Strategy, the Yale Department of Physics, the Yale Physics Professional Development Organization, the Yale Wright Laboratory, and Yale University.