3 pictures of experiments with tagline in front.

Wright Lab Chosen to Host NNPSS 2018

NNPSS 2018 poster
February 7, 2018

Yale’s Wright Lab has been chosen by the Institute for Nuclear Theory to host the 2018 National Nuclear Physics Summer School at Yale, to be held from June 17-30, 2018.

The program is aimed at graduate students and postdocs who are seeking to explore recent and future directions in the field.  Experts from across the nation will deliver in-depth lectures from both theory and experimental perspectives, special topical seminars, and hands-on tutorials.  Participants will also each present a poster and tour Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Topics for the 2018 school include:

  • Hadron Structure
  • Heavy Ion Physics
  • Nuclear Structure
  • Nuclear Astrophysics
  • Neutrinos
  • Neutrons and Fundamental Symmetries

Visit wlab.yale.edu/nnpss2018 for more information, including a link to the application form.