We are pleased to welcome 32 new graduate students to our department and are looking forward to welcoming them to campus in the fall. The 2020 class of incoming students and their research interests include:
Xiran Bai (Astrophysics/Cosmology), Derek Chen (Atomic & Optical Physics), Isaque Dutra (Astrophysics/Cosmology), Arianna Garcia Caffaro (Particle Experiment), John Garmon (Quantum Information Physics), Caitlin Gish (Condensed Matter Theory), Mark Gonzalez (Astrophysics/Cosmology), Eleanor Graham (Nuclear Experiment), Sophia Hollick (Nuclear Theory), Songtao Huang (Atomic & Optical Physics), Joseph Lap (Nuclear Experiment), Charles Lomba (Biological Physics), Matthew Mitchell (Undecided), Asheesh Momi (Biological Physics), Cheyenne Nelson (Particle Experiment), Xiaoyi Ouyang (Biological Physics), Iris Ponce (Particle Experiment), Ananya Rai (Condensed Matter Experiment), Shasta Ramachandran (Condensed Matter Theory), Glenn Richardson (Particle Experiment), Kirsty Scott (Condensed Matter Experiment), Shivnag Sista (Condensed Matter Theory), Youqi Song (Nuclear Experiment), Matthew Stortini (Particle Experiment), Jenny Tian (Condensed Matter Theory), Andrew Ton (Condensed Matter Theory), Mohit Verma (Atomic & Optical Physics), Talia Weiss (Particle Experiment), Sierra Wilde (Nuclear Experiment), Jinming Yang (Condensed Matter Experiment), Xinping Yang (Particle Theory), and Geoffrey Zheng (Atomic & Optical Physics).
We congratulate this year’s winners of the Leigh Page Prize: Sophia Hollick, Matthew Stortini, and Talia Weiss. The Leigh Page Prize is offered to first-year graduate students in recognition of their fine academic record and for the promise of important contributions to the field of physics.