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King wins 2022 Russell Henry Chittenden Prize

headshot of a person wearing a stuffed shark on his head as a hat and holding a blue folder with documents in it.
May 23, 2022

Matthew John King, YC’2022 double-major in Physics (Intensive) and Mathematics (Intensive), and a member of Yale’s Wright Lab, was  honored with The Russell Henry Chittenden Prize, which is “awarded annually for the senior majoring in the natural sciences or in mathematics who ranks highest in scholarship”.   

This year, the prize was jointly awarded to King and  Sarah Ming-Xin Zhao, a double major in Mathematics and Statistics & Data Science, who also completed a simultaneous master’s degree in Statistics & Data Science.

A Yale News article about Yale College prizes awarded on Class Day 2022 posted the following biography of King:

“Matthew King, a double-major in Physics (Intensive) and Mathematics (Intensive), graduates summa cum laude with distinction in both majors. In his junior year, he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Pi Sigma.”

“Outside of the classroom, Matt devotes much of his time to creative expression and teaching others: he has served as an Undergraduate Learning Assistant in the Mathematics department, a Course-Based Peer Tutor in the Physics department, and an instructor with Yale Splash. He is an Eagle Scout, the president of the Yale Guild of Bookmakers, and an accomplished writer and musician.”

“An aspiring professor, Matt has spent the last two summers researching particle physics at the Fermilab in Illinois [with Bonnie Fleming, professor of physics and a member of Yale’s Wright Lab]. He will begin a Ph.D. in particle physics at Yale in the fall and has been awarded a fellowship by the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program.”

This article is adapted from the Yale News article published May 22, 2022. For more information, please see the full Yale News article linked below.

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