May 22, 2020
Wright Lab congratulates our graduating seniors in the Class of 2020 who have been awarded the following prizes:
The Howard L. Schultz Prize, named for Howard L. Schulz, Ph.D. 1937, awarded to an outstanding senior in the Physics department.
- Lukas Baker (Mathematics & Physics), advisor Karsten Heeger
- Sam Borden (Physics (Int.)), advisor David Moore
Three additional students in the department received the prize this year, for the complete list please see here).
The DeForest Pioneers Prize, established by the Board of Directors of DeForest Pioneers, Inc., in honor of the outstanding scientific achievements of Lee DeForest, Ph.B. 1896. This prize is awarded to a senior physics major for distinguished creative achievement in physics.
- Elizabeth Ruddy (Physics (Int.)), advisor Reina Maruyama