Undergraduate student research presentations. Schedule subject to change.
2:00pm - Shoumik Chowdhury, “Investigating multi-photon nonlinear resonances and dynamical effects in driven superconducting qubits”. Advisor: Michel Devoret
2:20pm - Jack McArthur, “Modelling Dielectric Screening in Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskites”. Advisor: Diana Qiu
2:40pm - Hanbai Lyu, “Bose-Einstein Condensate Based on Laser Cooling of Sr”. Advisor: Nir Navon
3:00pm - Tristan Weaver, “X-Ray Spectroscopy of IRAS 09104+4109”. Advisor: Meg Urry
3:20pm - Laura Zhou. Advisor: Nir Navon
3:40pm - Ben Togni, “In Search of the Most Luminous AGN and the Most Massive Black Holes in the Universe”. Advisor: Meg Urry
4:00pm - Joseph Brownsberger, “Evaluating Retrocausal Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics”. Advisor: Michel Devoret
4:20pm - Kohsuke Sato. Advisor: Charles Baltay
Instructor: Charles Baltay (charles.baltay@yale.edu)
PHYS 470 & PHYS 472 Final Presentations
Event time:
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Undergraduate Students
Event description:
(see "Description" above)