NPA Seminar: Virginia Bailey, Georgia State University
“Early results from sPHENIX run 2024”
“Early results from sPHENIX run 2024”
“Wright Lab Self-Study and Community Feedback”
In this WL all-hands meeting we will discuss the results and community feedback to the WL questionnaire and our plans for the future. Please fill out the WL questionnaire for the physics self-study and come with your ideas and suggestions for how we can make Wright Lab even better!
The Wright Lab community is invited to a weekly meeting on Mondays at 9:30 a.m. in WL-216 to hear about and discuss what is going on at the lab.
Host: Karsten Heeger
“Baryon Number Violation in DUNE: Proton Decay Sensitivity using Machine Learning and LArTPC Validations with ProtoDUNE-2”
Members in the departments of physics and astronomy who work on dark matter and neutrino-related fields are invited to get together to discuss papers related to their field. Topics include: neutrinos, dark matter, BSM physics, fundamental symmetries, precision physics and more.
Contact Eleanor Graham and Jiaxiang Wang for more information.
Job Search Strategies
Bio: Derek I. Webster, Director of Common Good & Creative Careers
“Cosmic-Ray Super-PeVatrons and Extreme Accelerators”
Members in the departments of physics and astronomy who work on dark matter and neutrino-related fields are invited to get together to discuss papers related to their field. Topics include: neutrinos, dark matter, BSM physics, fundamental symmetries, precision physics and more.
Contact Eleanor Graham and Jiaxiang Wang for more information.
“High-precision spectral shape measurements with cryogenic calorimeters”
“Probing Quantum Entanglement in Higgs Boson Decays at the LHC”
Members in the departments of physics and astronomy who work on dark matter and neutrino-related fields are invited to get together to discuss papers related to their field. Topics include: neutrinos, dark matter, BSM physics, fundamental symmetries, precision physics and more.
Contact Eleanor Graham and Jiaxiang Wang for more information.