Wright Laboratory continued its partnership with Yale Pathways to Science by hosting 48 students from the Yale Pathways to Science Summer Scholars Program on July 23, 2018. The students were given an overview of the laboratory and its research by Wright Lab Director Karsten Heeger, then broken into groups to rotate through three different activities:
- A tour of the HAYSTAC laboratory, which is home to an experiment that searches for dark matter, led by Cady van Assendelft, ‘19.
- A demonstration of the newly opened Advanced Prototyping Center, led by Wright Lab research scientist James Nikkel.
- A cloud chamber demonstration and discussion about observing the invisible universe, led by Heeger.
The students then assembled again for a question and answer session with all the researchers before heading to lunch.
The Wright Lab tour was part of the enrichment program for the Pathways two-week summer program, in which 100 local high school students take courses and workshops that are taught by Yale faculty and graduate students. Wright Lab professor David Moore also contributed to the summer program by teaching a one-week course on optics.